Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books 13-16

Book 13- Book 13 starts with Alcinous loading Odysseus's ship back to Ithaca with his gifts. They set sail when the sun goes down, and Odysseus falls asleep for a long time; while the Phaeacian crew commands the ship and also sleeps when they get to shore, and carry him and his gifts off the boat and set sail back home. When Poseidon spots Odysseus in Ithaca, he becomes mad at the Phaeacians for assisting his enemy. Because of this, the prophecy becomes true and he turns the ship to stone as it's arriving at the dock back in Phaeacia. Back in Ithaca, Odysseus doesn't remember the town looking like this because Athena shrouded it in a mist, so he thinks the Phaeacians took him to the wrong town and took some of gifts too. But then, Athena disguised as a sheepherder, approaches him and assures him he's in Ithaca. Odysseus tries to keep his identity hidden, but reveals it when he learns he sheepherder is actually Athena. She tells him that he needs to get rid of the suitors in his home and gives him the look of a hobo so no one will question him.

Book 14 - Book 14 starts with Odysseus talking to the swineherd, Eumaeus, outside of his hut. He invites Odysseus inside even though he doesn't recognize him. As Odysseus enjoys a feast of pork, Eumaeus talks about he misses Odysseus and hates the suitors, fearing Odysseus will never return. When Odysseus says that he will return, Eumaeus doesn't want to hear it as he's had a lot of hobos come looking for a handout in exchange for information on Odysseus. The swineherd lets Odysseus stay the night and gives him a blanker for he won't be cold. When asked about his origins, Odysseus lies and says he is from Crete and went poor after a battle in Egypt when wrong, and thats how he heard Odysseus is still alive.

Book 15- Book 15 starts with Athena traveling to Sparta to find Telemachos and Pisistratus; and she tells Telemachos that he has to get home before the suitors win over his mom. She also tells him of the suitors' planned ambush and to go the swineherd Eumaeus's hut. The next day as Telemachos leaves Sparta, he accepts gifts from Menelaus and Helen. An eagle then flies overhead with a golden goose and Helen thinks it means that Odysseus is about to kill the suitors. At Pylos, Telemachos has Pisistratus drop him off since there's no time to visit, when the descendent of a prophet accused of manslaughter approaches them and is accepted aboard. Back at the Swineherd's hut Odysseus and Eumaeus swap stories and we learn how Eumaeus came to Ithaca.

Book 16 - Book 16 starts with Telemachos approaches the swineherd's hut and sees him talking to Odysseus (currently disguised as a stranger to Telemachos), and approaches them. The swineherd tells him Odysseus's story, and suggest Talamachos take the stranger to the palace with him. The swineherd then goes to the palace alone to tell Penelope Telemachos returned. Back at the hut, Athena turns Odysseus back to normal, and him and his embrace and cry. Odysseus tells his story then they come up with a plan for the suitors. Before the swineherd can deliver the message, a messenger from the ship arrives and tells everyone that he has arrived. The suitors then group up to make a new plan for Telemachos, one being to just kill him. But Amphinomus talks him into waiting for a sign from the gods. Penelope then comes and denounces Antinous for plotting against Telemachos, but Eurymachus calms her down.

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