Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Prudence - regard for one's own interests - noun
Baleful - obsolete - adj
Libation - a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of something - noun
Precedence - the right to precede in rank - noun
Glutton - a person who eats and drinks excessively - noun
Harangue - intense verbal attack - noun
Rapine - plunder - noun
Scion - a descendant - noun
Insidious - stealthily treacherous - adj
Chastise - to criticize severely - verb
Succumb - yield - verb
Auspicious - promising success - adj
Lucid - easily understood - adj
Audacity - boldness or daring - noun

George's prudence lead him to trigger the booby trap for the sack of coins, dooming his friends by activating the spike trap behind him.
The musket is obsolete in terms of fire rate when compared to an assault rifle.
As Bob sat on top of the shrine clueless, he watched the libation of blood in his honor from the 60 tribesmen below
Joe earned his precedence when he single handedly liberated all of North Korea.
Micah, who is a glutton, snuck into the cheese factory and ate all of the cheese overnight.
The harangue that Jack received for knocking over his grandmother's urn was one that made him re-think all of his life choices.
The 56th anniversary of the Rapine of City Wok celebrates the dreadful day the Mongols plundered the restaurant.
The scion of Godzilla took it upon himself to take up his grandfather's legacy by destroying Tokyo.

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