Thursday, November 20, 2014

BNW Reading Log Chapter 10

Summary : It starts by returning to the center and by describing its layout a little. It also talks about how toddlers contribute and hypnopaedia. It then goes to Henry Foster and the director talking about Bernard on their way to the fertilizing room. When they get in, the director talks to Henry about why its important Bernard goes to Iceland. Then, Bernard comes into the room. The director notices him, beckons him closer, then addresses the whole room. He has a speech about why Bernard is bad for being rebellious, and how he's going to Iceland. Afterward, he asks Bernard if he can show him a reason not to send him to Iceland at that moment. Bernard says he does, and calls Linda into the room. She comes in and keeps asking the director if he remembers her, before bringing up them being parents. The room then erupts into laughter, much to the director's embarassment. When the director keeps ignoring Linda, she calls John in, who kneels in front of the director and calls him father. The room's laughter becomes harder now, to the point where the director leaves the room.

This chapter is important because it has a major rising action. It being that the director meets John and realizes he's a father.

Vocab: Connotation - noun - an idea that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning
            Voluptuous - adj - characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

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