Summary : It starts by returning to the center and by describing its layout a little. It also talks about how toddlers contribute and hypnopaedia. It then goes to Henry Foster and the director talking about Bernard on their way to the fertilizing room. When they get in, the director talks to Henry about why its important Bernard goes to Iceland. Then, Bernard comes into the room. The director notices him, beckons him closer, then addresses the whole room. He has a speech about why Bernard is bad for being rebellious, and how he's going to Iceland. Afterward, he asks Bernard if he can show him a reason not to send him to Iceland at that moment. Bernard says he does, and calls Linda into the room. She comes in and keeps asking the director if he remembers her, before bringing up them being parents. The room then erupts into laughter, much to the director's embarassment. When the director keeps ignoring Linda, she calls John in, who kneels in front of the director and calls him father. The room's laughter becomes harder now, to the point where the director leaves the room.
This chapter is important because it has a major rising action. It being that the director meets John and realizes he's a father.
Vocab: Connotation - noun - an idea that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning
Voluptuous - adj - characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Vocab 4
Superfluous - adj - unnecessary
The group of hikers took a superfluous "shortcut" and ended at a dead end overlooking the sea.
Prodigious - adj - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
The prodigious elephant was exposed to radiation and as a result, he was 15 feet tall.
Pallid - adj - pale, typically because of poor health
After the plague hit the town, everyone inside became pallid and unproductive.
Vivacious - adj - attractively lively and animated
Pituitary - noun - the major endocrine gland / something attached to the brain
Viviparous - adj - bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent
Abject - adj - extremely bad
Indefatigable - adj - persisting tirelessly
Apoplectic - adj - overcome with anger
Ruddy - adj - having a healthy red color
The ruddy apples were loaded into the truck to be transported to the store for they could be bought and devoured.
The group of hikers took a superfluous "shortcut" and ended at a dead end overlooking the sea.
Prodigious - adj - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
The prodigious elephant was exposed to radiation and as a result, he was 15 feet tall.
Pallid - adj - pale, typically because of poor health
After the plague hit the town, everyone inside became pallid and unproductive.
Vivacious - adj - attractively lively and animated
Pituitary - noun - the major endocrine gland / something attached to the brain
Viviparous - adj - bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent
Abject - adj - extremely bad
Indefatigable - adj - persisting tirelessly
Apoplectic - adj - overcome with anger
Ruddy - adj - having a healthy red color
The ruddy apples were loaded into the truck to be transported to the store for they could be bought and devoured.
BNW Reading Log Chapter 9
Summary - It starts with Lenina and Bernard in their rest-house, and Lenina taking six half-gramme tablets of Soma. The next day, Bernard set his plan into motion. He said they have seven hours before Lenina gets back from her soma holiday, and they'll be done far before then. He lands on the roof of the Sante Fe post office and went through the world controller's office. He spoke to two of the Fordship's personal secretaries before speaking with Mustapha Mond. He got the correct paperwork to take John and his mom to London. Meanwhile, as Bernard was showing his paperwork to the warden, John found a way into Bernard's and Lenina's rest house. He played with the zipper on Lenina's shorts, and then put her slippers on. Afterwards, he goes into the room Lenina is sleeping in and watches her. He debates with himself whether he wants to touch her or not, but decides against it. He then dashes outside to meet Bernard at the helicopter.
This chapter was important because it introduced the inciting event. The inciting event is John being allowed to travel back to London with Bernard.
Allusions - Romeo and Juliet - when John is watching Lenina sleep, he recites Romeo and Juliet
This chapter was important because it introduced the inciting event. The inciting event is John being allowed to travel back to London with Bernard.
Allusions - Romeo and Juliet - when John is watching Lenina sleep, he recites Romeo and Juliet
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
BNW Reading Log Chapter 8
Summary - While in the reserve, Lenina and Bernard witness an old man, who appears aged, diseased, and overall not good. Bernard explains that he is just old, that the people of the Reservation age in a different and more natural way than people in their world do. They see a lot more things unnatural to them: the starving dogs, mothers, and unwashed people. Then, they start to watch a ritual that is meant to please Jesus and Pookong. People started dancing to drums while dressed in beads, feathers, and snakes. Suddenly, a boy and whipper appear. They start to throw snakes around and sprinkle them with corn meal and water. A man on a cross is watching everything happen, the boy still being whipped. Lenina becomes horrified and wants to leave when she sees all the blood. As they start to leave, the crowd disperses as well. Older women come out of their houses, pick up the boy who was whipped and leave again. Bernard is startled and Lenina is surprised when John the Savage appears behind them saying he wanted to be the one to be whipped, but couldn't because his skin was lighter. He mentions the controller is his father, and Bernard rushes for him to tell them more. They follow John to his house, where they meet his mother Linda. Linda is really excited to see civilized people and grabs Lenina, who becomes disgusted, because Linda is rather large and smelly.
Allusions - Jesus - Christianity
Pookong - Rain god
John - John the baptist, preached the coming of the way in the wilderness, got his head cut off
Popé - Pope
This chapter made the inciting event come a lot closer. We find out the director's lady is still alive, and is pretty fat. We also find out her and the director are the parents of John the savage, and just have to wait for Bernard to introduce the father and son. John the savage is the protagonist.
Vocab - Goitre - noun - swelling of the neck due to enlargement of the thyroid gland
Innocuous - adj - not harmful or offensive
Viscose - noun - a viscous orange-brown solution obtained by treating cellulose with sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide
Allusions - Jesus - Christianity
Pookong - Rain god
John - John the baptist, preached the coming of the way in the wilderness, got his head cut off
Popé - Pope
This chapter made the inciting event come a lot closer. We find out the director's lady is still alive, and is pretty fat. We also find out her and the director are the parents of John the savage, and just have to wait for Bernard to introduce the father and son. John the savage is the protagonist.
Vocab - Goitre - noun - swelling of the neck due to enlargement of the thyroid gland
Innocuous - adj - not harmful or offensive
Viscose - noun - a viscous orange-brown solution obtained by treating cellulose with sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide
Linda --> Lenina
Tomakin (Thomas) --> the director
Friday, November 14, 2014
BNW Reading log Chapter 6 -2 & 3
Summary of part 2 - Bernard goes to the director for a permit to get onto the Savage Reservation. At the request, the director starts to tell the story of him and a previous lady on their trip to the reservation. This allows a brief glimpse of his humanity. He says they were having fun until he woke up one morning and she was gone. Bernard says it must of been a terrible shock and the director returns to being the director again and threatens to send Bernard to Iceland if he kept getting the reports he's been getting about Bernard. Bernard is excited by the threat, thinking that it gave him significance. He then went to Helmholtz who didn't like listening to it because he hated hearing Bernard brag, which he did often.
Summary of part 3 - Lenina and Bernard make it to the Reservation. She says she needs all the amentities the hotel has, and after being asked many times she says she's going to the Reservation. When they arrive, the warden gives a long speech about the Reservation. They sat, listening and not knowing what he was saying. Bernard then realizes he left his Eau De Cologne on. He asks Helmholts if he'll turn it off, which he says he says he will, but not before he tells Bernard that the director is sending him to Iceland
This chapter was important because it helped build the conflict
Vocab - Brachycephalic - adj - having a relatively broad, short skull
Inexorably - adj - impossible to stop or prevent
Fulminated - verb - explode violently
Summary of part 3 - Lenina and Bernard make it to the Reservation. She says she needs all the amentities the hotel has, and after being asked many times she says she's going to the Reservation. When they arrive, the warden gives a long speech about the Reservation. They sat, listening and not knowing what he was saying. Bernard then realizes he left his Eau De Cologne on. He asks Helmholts if he'll turn it off, which he says he says he will, but not before he tells Bernard that the director is sending him to Iceland
This chapter was important because it helped build the conflict
Vocab - Brachycephalic - adj - having a relatively broad, short skull
Inexorably - adj - impossible to stop or prevent
Fulminated - verb - explode violently
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
BNW Reading Log Chapter 6 - 1
Summary - In New Mexico, Lenina acts like every other controlled person, while Bernard is more himself. Lenina wants to attend female wrestling matches or play golf while Bernard wants to do something more private: walk and talk. She thinks this is weird and starts to have second thoughts about NM. Bernard stops his helicopter above the water and starts to talk to Lenina about ignoring her conditioning and being her own person. She begs him to stop talking of such blasphemy and starts to cry. He finally makes her happy by fondling her and driving away from the water. When asked of he enjoyed their date, he says they should of waited to sleep together. Lenina tells Fanny that she still likes Bernard but doesn't describe his physical features, only the way they walk.
In this chapter, we see how different Bernard is from everyone else and how independent he is as a human. Because we see that in him, we also see how controlled Lenina is
Vocab - Cajorery - noun - coaxing or flattery intended to persuade someone to do something
Derisively - adj - expressing contempt or ridicule
In this chapter, we see how different Bernard is from everyone else and how independent he is as a human. Because we see that in him, we also see how controlled Lenina is
Vocab - Cajorery - noun - coaxing or flattery intended to persuade someone to do something
Derisively - adj - expressing contempt or ridicule
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
BNW Reading Log Chapter 5
Summary - Lenina and Henry get back in his helicopter after playing obstacle golf. Lenina studies the view before asking about the crematory. They discuss how the different social classes feel about everything. Henry actually thinks about it, and for a moment, he appears to see everyone equal - but just for a second - saying everyone ends up the same. They land and wander the Westminster Abbey to listen to the sexophonists and dance. They dance until they hear the voice overhead say goodbye, and Henry brings her back to his apartment.
Vocab learned - Zenith - noun - highest point reached by a celestial object
Ambergris - noun - a wax-like substance produced in the Sperm Whale's intestines that is used in perfume manufacturing
Perennially - adj - existing for a long / infinite time
Vocab learned - Zenith - noun - highest point reached by a celestial object
Ambergris - noun - a wax-like substance produced in the Sperm Whale's intestines that is used in perfume manufacturing
Perennially - adj - existing for a long / infinite time
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
BNW Reading Log Chapter 3
Overview - In the park, children are encouraged to take part in erotic play, and they taken for testing if they don't. The touring children are in the park listening to the director talk before Mustapha Mond. He explains history and why the children shouldn't like it. While this goes on, Lenina goes to the bath and speaks to her friend Fanny about her love life. We learn it's frowned upon to stay with just one person in a relationship instead of exploring. Bernard then overhears the assistant predestinator talking with Henry (Lenina's boyfriend) about Lenina. Henry wants to date Lenina but hears Henry tell the predestinator to try her like a piece of meat. It keeps cutting back and forth between the three scenes. While it cuts to Mustapha, he explains more history to the kids and how the dystopia works.
Allusions - Leon Trotsky
Karl Marx
Vocabulary learned - Axiomatic - adj - unquestionable
Mustapha - antagonist
Allusions - Leon Trotsky
Karl Marx
Vocabulary learned - Axiomatic - adj - unquestionable
Mustapha - antagonist
BNW Reading Log Chapter 2
Overview - The tour was brought up to the conditioning room and we learned how babies were conditioned. They are given books and flowers and then get shocked when they go to them to grow a fear of them and keep their distance. The director explained how the system of Hypnopaedia is flawed because people wouldn't remember what they learned. Instead, they made their own system, which teaches children to love their caste and not the others. While the director is explaining their process, he accidently gets too excited and wakes the children.
Vocabulary learned - asafoetida - noun - a fetid resinous gum obtained from the roots of a herbaceous plant
viviparous - adj - bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body
Vocabulary learned - asafoetida - noun - a fetid resinous gum obtained from the roots of a herbaceous plant
viviparous - adj - bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body
BNW Reading Log Chapter 1
Overview - It opens with the director of Hatcheries and Conditioning giving some students a tour of their factory. It's learned humans no longer reproduce, but are instead made. The caste and job the fetus will have is predetermined. 3 of 5 of the castes (gammas, epsilons, and deltas) undergo the Bokanovksy Process, which shocks the embryo to form 96 identical clones. Some babies are also injected with certain immunities so they'll be better at their future jobs, and sometimes conditioned for certain types of weather as well. We got an idea of their society by reading the process of how humans are made now. Also in this world, the people praise Henry Ford as a god because he was the father of mass production
Vocabulary learned - bouillion - noun - a broth made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water
beget - verb - make a child
decant - verb - gradually pour
Vocabulary learned - bouillion - noun - a broth made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water
beget - verb - make a child
decant - verb - gradually pour
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